We are getting a new police station in town. Why the old one is obsolete is beyond me. The only act of “evil” committed in my town is going a few miles over the speed limit, and this is hardly a matter worth flashing blue and red over. Given this, our current station has too many cruisers and too many cops. Instead, we are putting money toward the police force while our community struggles to send kids to a well-funded school.
Last year, city council decided to rezone a plot of land across from town hall. It was a wild spot bearing vines which danced around the trunks of trees. This green patch was hardly a Yosemite or Yellowstone, but it was a good place which didn’t bother anyone. The spot was next what was a McDonald’s. The garbage cans of the Golden Arches would occasionally be looted by raccoons who lived in that wild. But those critters and their source of food have also moved to make way for law and order. The ousting of both is unnecessary and I’d rather have a tradeoff and keep the McDonald’s if it means keeping the trees and their residents as well.
Development (generally) is a waste of a person’s time. I mean development of the earth. It is usually done for a quick buck, or to flex the muscles of a community and how much they can build, as has been done in mine. All I ask is “why?”. Did we think this through? Do we really need this? Are there better things to spend money on? The answers to this are No, No, and Yes. We may “gain” a police station, but we have lost so much more in the process, and I do not mean McFlurries.